Use CasesViewtracker - Analytics for Confluence

Overcoming Confluence Cloud Migration Challenges

Overcoming Confluence Cloud Migration Challenges

Webcraft’s Experience with Viewtracker

In the heart of Switzerland, Webcraft AG, operator of multiple online shops, faced a significant challenge in 2024: migrating its extensive intranet from Confluence Server to Confluence Cloud. With over 16,000 pages accumulated since 2011, the task seemed daunting. However, thanks to bitvoodoo’s Viewtracker, Webcraft successfully navigated this complex process, ensuring a smooth transition while optimizing its content and user management.

Webcraft’s Wiki & Knowledge Manager, Cora Egli, was in charge of the migration project. Given the vast amount of pages stored over more than a decade, Cora and her team needed a way to identify which content was essential, which could be archived, and which was no longer relevant. This is where Viewtracker proved indispensable.

Streamlining the Migration Process

One of the critical challenges in the migration was sifting through the massive content volume. Webcraft risked wasting resources on migrating obsolete or irrelevant data without a tool to analyze usage metrics. Viewtracker’s Instance Report became a game-changer in this respect. By providing a comprehensive overview of content usage, Viewtracker enabled the team to identify unused spaces and inactive users. These insights allowed them to streamline the migration process, focusing only on the most valuable content and eliminating unnecessary data, reducing complexity and saving on licensing costs in the Cloud.

An Example of the Viewtracker’s Instance Report
An Example of the Viewtracker’s Instance Report 

Ensuring Quality and Engaging Stakeholders Effectively

Beyond merely identifying unused content, Webcraft needed to ensure that critical pages function seamlessly post-migration. The Content & Usage Report provided by Viewtracker allowed the team to pinpoint the pages that were most viewed and interacted with. These key pages underwent thorough testing in a sandbox environment, ensuring potential issues were addressed before going live on the Cloud. This allowed Cora to present a Proof of Concept to stakeholders, demonstrating the reliability of the migrated content.

Examples of the Viewtracker’s Content & Usage Reports
Examples of the Viewtracker’s Content & Usage Reports

Optimizing Content Relevance

The migration process also presented an opportunity to enhance the overall relevance of Webcraft’s intranet. Using Viewtracker’s flexible date range filters, Cora could identify pages with little interaction since January 2023. She determined whether this content was still relevant by engaging with former contributors and space owners. The team deleted and archived many pages in the process, further reducing the clutter and ensuring that the new Cloud environment would be more streamlined and user-friendly.

Engaging Power Users for a Smooth Transition

Another crucial aspect of the migration was understanding how power users interacted with Confluence. Viewtracker’s User Report provided insights into the most active users and the content they were interacting with. 

Confluence Cloud Migration thanks to Viewtracker's User Report
An Example of Viewtracker’s User Report

Cora approached these users and asked them for their feedback and concerns about the migration. This feedback was instrumental in creating comprehensive documentation and support materials that would benefit all users, ensuring a smooth transition to the Cloud.

A Long-Term Investment

While Webcraft chose to eliminate most third-party apps during their migration to Confluence Cloud, Viewtracker was the exception. The tool’s ability to provide actionable insights proved too valuable to part with, securing its place in the company’s long-term strategy.
As Webcraft continues to grow and evolve, Viewtracker remains a key asset in its knowledge management arsenal, helping it maintain an organized and effective digital workspace.

With the help of Viewtracker, Webcraft successfully navigated a complex migration and optimized its intranet for future use, ensuring it remains an efficient and valuable resource for all employees.

Do you have a similar migration challenge? Let’s chat!