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2023 Review of the bitvoodoo app team

Before the bitvoodoo app team enjoys their much-deserved Christmas and New Year break, let us take a step back and review what kept the team busy in 2023.

⌚️ We value our readers’ time. We didn’t include smaller improvements and changes in this list. Whenever possible, we link to relevant blog posts and documentation pages for the full picture.

Viewtracker – Analytics for Confluence

With Viewtracker being our most popular app with almost 3000 installs, the bitvoodoo app team continuously adds new features and capabilities for its Cloud and Data Center users.

📊 More Confluence usage insights:

  • Easy access to different Viewtracker reports with cross-links and breadcrumb navigation
  • Share (filtered) reports with stakeholders
  • Decide which metrics to display in the graph and choose the type of graph (bar, line, area)
  • Access the list of pages with which a specific user has interacted

🔗 New Confluence URL Reports on Cloud and Data Center:

  • Track dashboards, team pages, calendars, etc.
  • Track content from 3rd-party apps like Linchpin, Refined, Cosmos, etc.

🛠️ New Instance Report for Confluence Administrators, including, among others:

  • Number of users, spaces and content (pages and attachments) at a glance
  • Development of attachment storage over time
  • Active vs. inactive users and spaces
  • Heatmap of activity in Confluence
  • Extra on Viewtracker Cloud: Carry out a content synchronization to display spaces, pages and attachments without any views

📝 New integration to track views from K15t’s Scroll Viewport on Viewtracker Cloud (Viewtracker Data Center users already have this integration)

📥 Import existing views from Confluence’s built-in analytics in Viewtracker Data Center (importing views from other Data Center instances was already possible in the past)

📖 Blog post: Full comparison of Viewtracker vs Confluence’s built-in analytics

Navitabs – Tabs for Confluence

2023 has been a huge success for the bitvoodoo app Navitabs, reaching 2600 installations worldwide 🎉. This continued growth fires us up to constantly release new features and content:

🧙 Tab Wizard on Navitabs Cloud to create tabs of all kinds easily

📖 Blog post: different use cases for tabs in Confluence

🏠 Data Residency for Navitabs Cloud data

General app improvements

  • We conducted comprehensive tests of our Data Center apps to receive Data Center approvals from Atlassian.
  • We have further improved the smooth migration of bitvoodoo apps to Data Center and Cloud.
  • We make sure that our apps are compatible with the latest Confluence and Jira versions.
  • We’ve invested in the maintenance and expansion of the infrastructure (for example, Cloud data residency support).
  • We implemented additional automated tests for big instances.

Changes in the bitvoodoo app team

🏅 Our team received the Gold Marketplace Partner status.

🚚 We moved our app support to JSM Cloud.

🏠 The bitvoodoo app documentation has a new home and runs on Scroll Viewport.

🤝 bitvoodoo and Communardo merged, creating a more resilient company.

For 2024, we are full of plans to improve the bitvoodoo apps. Among others, we want to implement data residency for more cloud apps.

Stay informed:

  • We are continuously sharing the latest updates on bitvoodoo apps in our blog.
  • Follow our LinkedIn app page to be informed about relevant product news.

As always, feel free to contact our app support for any questions, problems or ideas for new app features. We love hearing from our app customers and improving our apps with you!

🎄 🎆 🍾 Merry Christmas and a happy New Year from the bitvoodoo app team to all our customers, partners and employees! Thank you for your continued support. ❤️

P.S. In case you missed it, we created a similar review for 2022.

Elevate your Confluence insights! rocket Explore our latest guide to learn how to track usage and measure success on your Confluence pages.